An immediate implant is a dental implant placed right after the extraction of a tooth. This approach offers several advantages:
Reduced Treatment Time
By placing the implant immediately after tooth removal, the overall treatment time is shortened, as you don’t need to wait for the extraction site to heal before implant placement.
Preservation of Bone Structure
Immediate implants help preserve the bone structure and volume of the jaw, which can be beneficial for maintaining facial aesthetics and preventing bone loss.
Improved Aesthetics
This method often allows for faster restoration of your smile, as the implant can be placed and a temporary crown or bridge can be attached shortly afterward.
Fewer appointments may be needed compared to traditional implant procedures, which often require a waiting period between extraction and implant placement.
IMMEDIATE IMPLANT vs. Delayed Implant
Immediate Implants are placed right after tooth extraction, which can lead to a faster overall treatment process and better preservation of bone structure. This approach often allows for quicker restoration with a temporary crown or bridge. When executed properly, immediate implants can achieve high success rates, especially if the extraction site is healthy and well-prepared.
Delayed Implants involve placing the implant after a healing period, allowing the extraction site to recover and ensuring any issues are addressed. This method provides a more controlled environment for implant placement and typically reduces the risk of complications. However, it extends the treatment time and may require additional procedures like bone grafting due to potential bone loss during the waiting period.
In summary, immediate implants offer faster treatment and better bone preservation with potentially higher success rates, while delayed implants allow for careful site preparation but involve a longer treatment timeline. Immediate implants can be an effective solution for many patients, but not everyone is a suitable candidate. Factors such as the condition of the extraction site and the patient’s overall oral health are considered when determining if an immediate implant is the right choice.
Procedure Overview
Extraction & Implant Placement
The damaged or decayed tooth is extracted, and a dental implant is immediately placed into the same site. A healing cap is placed on top of the implant, and bone graft material is added if needed to address any bone deficiencies. Sutures are then applied to ensure the gum tissue properly molds around the implant.
Over the next few months, the implant undergoes osseointegration, during which it fuses with the surrounding bone. Once this process is complete and the implant is securely integrated.
Crown/Bridge Placement
A permanent crown or bridge is crafted using a 3D digital scanner and milling technology, then placed to restore function and aesthetics.